Roulette is a game of pure chance, however if you want to play roulette then you should learn the following strategies for best game results & game experience. Skip to Main Content The goal, like in regular roulette, is to predict where a ball will land on a roulette wheel. What makes the game “rapid” is that a timer prompts players to bet every 20-30 seconds or else skip that round. Players make their bets on individual screens without waiting for other players. Free Roulette Games - Getting to Grips with the Rules. As online casino games go, free roulette is one of the easiest to learn, and amongst the most fun for both new and experienced players to play. Lottery players will be happy to hear that an OLG App is available for OLG Lotto. The OLG Lotto app allows users to purchase lottery tickets straight from their smartphone, tablet or another mobile device. To download the app visit the operator’s website and click on the link provided in the Lottery section.
In order to provide goods or services that relate to the construction, furnishing, repair, maintenance or business of a casino, but that are not directly related to the playing of a lottery scheme or the operation of the gaming site, you must be registered with the AGCO, unless you are eligible for an exemption.
Exemption from Registration
A business may be exempt from the requirement to register as a Non-Gaming-Related Supplier if:
- the value of the goods or services to be supplied to the Ontario Lottery and Gaming Corporation (OLG) and/or other casino gaming operators in the province in a 12 month period starting April 1 and ending March 31 of the next year is $750,000 or less, and
- the OLG has carried out a due diligence investigation of the business that satisfies the Registrar of Alcohol, Gaming and Racing that the person would meet the standards and requirements that would apply to the provision of goods and services if the business were registered.
Old Roulette Wheel
A business may also be exempt from the requirement to register if it is regulated by the Government of Ontario or Canada or by an agency of either, and the regulating body has carried out a due diligence investigation of the business that satisfies the Registrar of Alcohol, Gaming and Racing that the person would meet the standards and requirements that would apply to the providing of the goods and services if the business were registered.
The AGCO does not conduct background investigations on exempt suppliers or issue certificates of exemption. Suppliers eligible for an exemption are not required to apply or submit a renewal or pay a yearly fee to the AGCO to establish or maintain their exemption status.
Please keep in mind that if the amount of business you do with the OLG and/or other gaming operators in Ontario is over $750,000, you must still be registered with the AGCO in order to continue to do business in the province. We suggest you coordinate with the OLG and/or other gaming operators to which you provide goods and services to determine your exemption status.
Registration Fees
The fee for Non-Gaming-Related Suppliers is $2,000 per year.
For a copy of the gaming registration fee schedule, please visit our Casino Gaming Registration Fees page.
Old Roulette
Office Location

If you wish to work out of your residence, prior written approval must be obtained from the Registrar of Alcohol, Gaming and Racing. Your request for approval must be accompanied by a detailed floor plan of your residence indicating the location of the office and the storage of equipment and supplies.
Old Roulette
Application Process
Old Roulette Wheel
All lottery and gaming registration applications must be completed online through the iAGCO portal. To apply for or renew your registration, please visit the portal, create an account and follow the steps as directed.