Gold Rush (titled Gold Rush: Alaska for the first season) is a reality television series that airs on Discovery and its affiliates worldwide. The series follows the placer gold mining efforts of various family-run mining companies, mostly in the Klondike region of Dawson City, Yukon, Canada.In its 11th season as of early 2020, prior seasons also included mining efforts in South America. £10 in, What will i win?See a £5 Challenge on this machine here.
How to Play
Match any of YOUR NUMBERS to any of the WINNING NUMBERS, win PRIZE shown for that number. Get a '5X' symbol, win 5 TIMES the PRIZE shown for that symbol! Get a '10X' symbol, win 10 TIMES the PRIZE shown for that symbol! Get a 'GOLDBAR' symbol, win $500 automatically! Get a 'MONEYBAG' symbol, win all 20 PRIZES shown!
Ticket Price: $20.00
Launch Date: October 08, 2018
End Date: TBA
Redemption Deadline: TBA
Gold Rush Fruit Machine For Sale

Odds of Winnings and Prizes
Prize Amount | Odds of Winning | Total Prizes | Prizes Remaining |
$5,000,000.00 | 1-in-10,149,500 | 9 | 3 |
$1,000,000.00 | 1-in-2,029,900 | 45 | 15 |
$100,000.00 | 1-in-3,044,850 | 30 | 10 |
$10,000.00 | 1-in-120,112 | 761 | 251 |
$1,000.00 | 1-in-4,996 | 18303 | 6130 |
$500.00 | 1-in-153 | 598854 | 181362 |
$100.00 | 1-in-37 | 2501447 | 766056 |
$50.00 | 1-in-30 | 3050727 | 938610 |
$40.00 | 1-in-30 | 3050727 | 938541 |
$30.00 | 1-in-30 | 3050727 | 940013 |
$25.00 | 1-in-30 | 3050727 | 942433 |
$20.00 | 1-in-6 | 15253588 | 4714026 |
Overall Odds: 1-in-2.99
PLEASE NOTE: Prizes, including the top prizes, may be unavailable at time of ticket purchase due to prior sale or other causes occurring in the normal course of business.
Every effort has been made to ensure the information provided above is accurate. However, in the event of an error, the game rules shall be controlling.
ok this is a 3 person machine as most of you know so the first tip to offerwhich is probably quite obvious, is if someone hits the stampede watch itand dont play your credits!
2 reasons one you will see how much is being paid and if that is the hotslot or not and so u have more credits left to hit it yourself,
when you get the bonus gold rush logo on the middle line theres no pointtrying to hit it on what you want its like a hi-lo gambler, pre determined,let the machine choose itself sometimes it will hit the stampede othersgolden nudge or spin, but these arent lesser prizes as both can push the JPin,
when you get nudges if theres no win with the amount of nudges awarded hitauto nudges, sometimes the machine will laugh at you then give you an extranudge and auto nudge the win in
the 3 hold rule applies to this machine aswell, however on the 3rd hold themachine will laugh at you and drop the win in
Gold Rush Fruit Machine Game
there is another trick, when you have nudges and theres a cherry or adiomand (small blue diomand) on the winline always try to nudge them off asbest you can, 20-50% of the time the machine will drop a win in for you, itsusualy only £1 (mixed cherries) or £2 (red cherries) and on the odd occasion£3 (golden cherries) i have yet to witness it drop a barcrest logo win in ofany kind with this trick
another hint is watch the reels carefully, if the golden barcrest logos rappearing alot then a JP is coming but quite a way off, when you get 4 or 5spins when the gold barcrest logos drop and the machine gives u 3 nudges butit needs 4 to nudge the jackpot in, this is the best time to use auto nudgeas it may laugh and award the jackpot same rule applies for mixed barcrestsand blue barcrests
another tip is ignore people who bash the hold buttons, it does nothing!

hold repeaters, the machine will give hold repeaters, 8/10 it will be just 1extra hold but the other 2 times it will give you 3 holds, it very very veryrarely gives you 2 hold repeaters
mixed cherries 3 hold trick, to me this is pointless going for, the payoutfor mixed cherries is £1 and if your on a 30p per play machine you only make10p i normally ignore these and just spin the reels if the machine wants togive you the 3 mixed cherries it will drop them in if your lucky enough tofind a 25p per play machine you can go for it, but it would take 4 of theseto be £1 in profit so again to myself pointless
bonuses - the middle bar has a bonus gold rush logo as mentioned above theseare...
gold rush stampede - this opens up the big board in front of you, dontbother hammering any buttons or pressing start your wasting your energy letit do it itself just sit back and watch the pounds build up
golden hold - same as a super hold in normal AWP's reels step up and downand you hold what you want
golden spin - will spin in a win, seems to be random but will probably bepre determined
golden nudge - nudges in a win this again is either random or more likelypredetermined, it will skip mixed cherries for golden cherries sometimes